Thursday, April 30, 2009

Obama and the Land of Enchantment

Yesterday at the President's 100 day lovefest press conference a NY Times writer asked what was most enchanting about the presidency? If I were Obama I would have answered:

"Perhaps what's most enchanting is how the press, such as you my fine sycophantic friend, roll over at these press conferences. Rather than ask me about today's news that GDP contracted at 6% or why I will finally allow Chrysler to file for bankruptcy after I wasted several billions 'bailing them out' since about December or why I apologize for America at every opportunity I have, you ask me questions such as these. Yes, I'd say you my friends are what I am enchanted by the most."


Vanessa Barr said...

You did hear, right, that with Chrysler's bankruptcy we're now guaranteeing an additional 8 billion or so in loans to them??? OUTRAGEOUS.

Anonymous said...

Or, "The big numbers I can come up with most enchant me".

Greg Kern said...

Great stuff Dennis! You've probably captured the runaway HUBRIS and Arrogance of this president better in this little piece than just about anything else I've read. Sad but true. When his reign begins to crumble -- and it will; incompetency, like water bubbles, always seems to rise to the top and become exposed at some point -- it will be amusing to watch his former glee clubbers struggle with their disillusionment...